• China bankrupted a $295 million underground bank that used cryptocurrency to convert foreign currencies

Chinese authorities have busted a $295 million underground bank that used cryptocurrency to convert foreign currencies. This underground bank operates illegally to avoid China's strict capital controls, allowing individuals and businesses to transfer money abroad. This case highlights the strictness of China's cryptocurrency management policy, as the country continuously cracks down on illegal financial activities related to cryptocurrencies.

  • dYdX founder steps down as CEO of the company behind the decentralized exchange

Antonio Juliano, founder of dYdX, has stepped down as CEO of the company. dYdX is one of the leading decentralized exchanges, providing cryptocurrency derivatives trading services. The change in leadership comes as the company continues to expand and evolve its platform, aiming to provide a better user experience and scale its operations. Juliano will continue to participate in the company's activities, but in a different role.

  • Japan's Metaplanet uses bitcoin as a reserve asset amid falling yen

Metaplanet, a Japanese company, decided to use bitcoin as a reserve asset amid the falling yen. The decision reflects a growing trend of Japanese companies and investors seeking asset protection through cryptocurrencies as the value of the yen declines due to economic factors. The use of bitcoin as a reserve asset shows confidence in the long-term potential of cryptocurrencies to protect asset value.


These three events illustrate important trends and changes in the global cryptocurrency sector:

1. China continues to crack down on illegal financial activities related to cryptocurrencies, to protect the financial system and maintain capital controls.

2. The change of leadership at dYdX, one of the leading decentralized exchanges, shows the continued transformation and development in the DeFi space.

3. The trend of using bitcoin as a reserve asset in Japan reflects a change in the asset protection strategy of companies and investors amid economic fluctuations.

These developments all demonstrate the continued growth and impact of cryptocurrencies in the global economy.