Without a rate cut, there may never be a copycat season, and only MEME will stand out.

The reason is very simple. Without a rate cut, the market will never be able to introduce a huge amount of external funds. Most of the funds in the market are occupied by BTC. At the same time, old funds are not interested in VCs at all. They have learned to be smart and will not take over for them.

If they participate more actively in #meme板块 , then the MEME sector is destined to continue to shine. I know that many VCs may have red eyes when they see MEME now, but they are still very rational. They just dare not pull the price. Even if they pull the price, it will not be sustainable. They will be shipped in a very short time. They may be more anxious than us.

However, the interest rate cut should be destined. It is just a matter of time. After all, the bullet has flown here. Just wait patiently! However, even if the interest rate is cut, the first sector to take off must be the MEME sector. The introduction of market takeover funds after the interest rate cut also takes time, so the stimulus to the MEME sector is still in the first place. So no matter what, MEME has always occupied the majority of my positions. This is not my judgment, but a naked fact.

I don’t know what to do in this bull market. Click the avatar to find me, face the fans, and share the bull market layout for free $MEME $BTC