The recent macro environment is not enough to support the reversal of the market. I said in the article two days ago that I had already given a clear conclusion. Either the long-term party holds on for a long time, or the short-term party sells high and buys low. Because the current macro environment has not improved, the US interest rate cut cannot be changed in these two months, and the previous ETF overdraft market has not been well digested. But at the same time, benefiting from the cost of miners and the intensive buying area of ​​ETFs, the support of the big cake at 60,000 is also very strong, so the short-term big cake will only fluctuate back and forth, and it will be more comfortable to sell high and buy low for short-term trading

It is likely that this market will continue in the next one or two months. There will be a bright future in the second half of the year. Hold on

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