Today's funds: 9896 U, 2024.5.13

I wanted to write a diary in the afternoon, and I looked at the total funds, which were about 8000 U. When I was thinking about whether to sell some BTC, the BTC market began to rise. I have been holding on until now. The funds exceeded 10,000 U at the highest point in the afternoon. In the final analysis, the position is too heavy. The rise and fall of one day can determine the win or loss. If it rises, it's okay, but if it falls, what can I do? The funds may be left with 2,000 to 3,000 U. If it rises, it will explode and return to zero, which is equivalent to betting the fate of the second half of my life. It's really not worth it. If I sell the stop loss now, I still have 7,000 to 8,000 U. I can still achieve a lot if I work slowly.

If you can't afford to lose, you shouldn't gamble. If you win, you'll smile. If you lose, you can't afford to lose. My heart has really reached its limit. I think about the time when I failed and went home to cheat my parents to get some capital to turn the tables. It was only 3,000 RMB. My dad handed me the money, 100, 5, 20, 10, 3,000 RMB scattered here and there. Thinking about it makes me cry. I was really wrong. Now I don't know what to do. I'm really scared. I'm scared to death. You must integrate knowledge and action, set a stop loss, and really break through the defense line to stop loss and sell. Today, it seems to be a loss, but the integration of knowledge and action has become a long-term pattern. In the long run, it will be more profitable than losing. In the long run, it is profitable.

BTC single contract Should I sell it now? Or should I continue to suffer and persevere?

Many classmates laughed at me for unlimited recharge. How could they know how difficult it was for me? I said this. If you have gambled your life, you will understand how difficult it was for me. Pressure can drive people crazy.

I must learn from the lesson, otherwise, next time, no one can save me.