Market Analysis

$BTC : The market continues to fluctuate and adjust, Bitcoin falls slightly, and the altcoin collapses. Bitcoin rises slightly, and the altcoin collapses. The current market has entered a mode of not accepting orders. The first reason is the cycle. We are currently entering a market adjustment cycle. During the adjustment cycle, everyone should be mentally prepared. The second reason is that the market value of the altcoin is too high, and the market cannot continue to accept high-valuation orders, so it has to adjust and repair by falling. When the market adjustment is over, both mainstream and altcoins will re-enter the hype mode. However, if there is no new gameplay at that time, it will be difficult for the market to continue. At most, it will be a bull market for 3 months. Therefore, it is judged that everyone must take action during the crazy process in the fourth quarter.

$ETH : ETH/BTC continues to fall to around 0.047. Ethereum is very weak. The gas on the chain once fell to 2, and there are still a large number of loans to be liquidated around 2778. In addition, there are still 10 days before the judgment day on May 23, so the probability of continued price and exchange rate decline in the near future is quite high.