Nansen has been very proud recently. He has taken over the witch checking of two big projects, l0 and zks. He probably made a lot of money and became the number one witch data. The epic witch library will be online soon. 66666666666. In the future, the airdrop witch war will continue to escalate, and ai will also join. This time, the studio is estimated to be wiped out. There are also those b who surrendered themselves. They provided a prototype of studio interaction and directly killed other studios. In the future, various conditions and kyc will come.

#5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿

Of course, the market was dead in May and June, but the airdrop wealth-making effect kept coming. In the past two months of big airdrops, io, bb, zks, l0, etc., go, go, go, this time, I want to stand up $ETH $SOL