The short position once again made a floating profit of 100,000USD.We accurately opened the short position before the plunge according our prediction about the market trend.‼All live tradings in private domain are published and the short position on ETH has been taken profit at 2970, and I opened short a position just at 3024 before the plunge again🤣.

Those foreign technical masters called me frantically and discussed with me that they predicted that the price will rise to 80,000, but I said it must fall below 60,000🤣.They kept scaring me that it will rise to 80,000, so I took profit first. However, BTC falls below 61,900, I knew I won again this time🤣.This is a public live trading with capital of 20 million on Binance, which is now open to everyone. If you want to join us to make copy trading, just join us live trading in the private domain on Binance. We are about to take a position .🤣#BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #BTC_MARKET_UPDATE