Ethereum has a more obvious downward trend in the recent 4H cycle:

From the K-line pattern, the 4H shows that the price fluctuates greatly, with a rebound after a decline, but the overall trend is downward. You can refer to the period between May 10 and May 12, which shows that the market selling pressure still exists.

The 4H hourly trading volume increased when the price fell sharply. Although it fell back later, it still maintained a higher level compared with the previous period, indicating that the decline was accompanied by a large trading volume and the selling sentiment was higher.

And refer to today's white plate

Today, it further broke down. The bottom test gave priority to the 2800 position mentioned in the previous period. The double bottom is still a new low. This is an important reference position this week.

The big cake also came to around 61k. Compared with ether, it did not fall so obviously. The reference space below is 60.5k-59.6k. After hitting the bottom, there is an obvious stop to the decline. You can consider buying again. Short-term long points can be carried out around this area.

In addition, CPI will be announced in two days. From the perspective of non-agricultural data in early May, the number of employed people has dropped significantly and the unemployment rate has increased. From this point of view, it is unlikely that the consumer index will rise. Therefore, it is likely to be bearish on the US dollar index and slightly bullish on the market.

Last week's schedule was not arranged due to time reasons. A live broadcast was held in the evening for sharing. The video recording will be used as a reference for the white plate later. See you there.