Some friends say that if we don't cut interest rates, the market will be bearish. I personally don't think it will be bearish. But if we don't cut interest rates, the risk of risky markets will increase, and the possibility of economic recession will increase. The final result is likely not to be a good thing, but this is all probabilistic. It can be said that the probability of a black swan event will increase for every day of high interest rates. But it is not realistic to say that there will be a 50% drop without anything happening. The interest rate cut itself will not increase liquidity in large quantities. What really helps to increase liquidity is the release of water. The biggest advantage of the interest rate cut is that it has completed the last tightening phase of the Federal Reserve. The next step is the expected release of water. Therefore, the interest rate cut, especially the defensive interest rate cut, is an "expected positive", and the interest rate cut that is done after the sheep have been robbed is the catalyst for the market collapse. The interest rate cut does not mean the release of liquidity.

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