[As BTC's ETF enters its fifth month, should we buy the ETF directly or directly buy BTC? 】

Regardless of which one they buy, there is one thing that is consistent, that is, these buyers are optimistic about the future appreciation potential of BTC, so they buy it!

Which one to buy depends mainly on our capital risk control, the current policy environment we are in, and our investment needs!

①First of all, from a policy perspective, in an environment where regulations in Hong Kong, North America and other countries are gradually becoming clearer, investing in ETFs may actually be your best choice for retail investors, because ETFs are operated by a professional team of fund managers, which can reduce a lot of your personal unreasonable operations, thereby effectively improving your capital efficiency and profitability!

In addition, ETFs are subject to stricter supervision, such as third-party isolation of funds and various fund regulations, which can largely solve the customer's security needs. There is no need to worry about which exchange will run away, when to buy and when to sell, and a series of tedious considerations. Just leave professional matters to professionals!

② In terms of investment needs, if we have large amounts of funds and want stability but don’t want to miss out on financial potential targets in the next few years, then ETFs will also be a good choice. However, if we pursue high returns and can take certain risks, then we must buy directly on Binance, but how to buy? (Batch and warehouse methods, etc.) After purchase, how to increase the value of assets, this is something that ETFs cannot compare to. After all, ETFs basically have no additional profit space except for value-added dividends;

However, Binance can provide a variety of derivative income opportunities, such as current financial management, fixed-term financial management, dual-currency investment, lending, on-chain staking, obtaining on-chain inscriptions, runes, NFTs and other ecological airdrop rewards. Of course, there are many other opportunities for income, which Sao Ge has not discovered, but you must remember that you must rely on Binance, otherwise your assets may be lost in the pursuit of income!

In this regard, buying ETFs is definitely not as good as directly buying BTC to generate more profit opportunities!

③If you are a big money player and the returns are icing on the cake rather than a class leap for you, then there is no doubt that you should choose ETF. After all, only institutions like BlackRock can meet the liquidity needs of these big money clients and the steady appreciation of wealth. The BTC liquidity of the exchange is indeed a bit far from enough for these!

If you are a big money player, you may want to refer to Brother Sao's ideas. If you are still struggling on the poverty line like Brother Sao, then just work hard at Binance. This is your best chance to cross the class! #ETFvsBTC #香港加密货币ETF $BTC