Odaily Planet Daily News Former Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Jamie Coutts released an analysis of the AI ​​and blockchain growth model extracted from the Real Vision Pro-Crypto report in November 2023 on the X platform. The report predicts that by 2030, the total market value of smart contract platforms will reach between $15 trillion and $25 trillion due to the widespread use of AI agents. Although the initial impact of AI agents will be relatively modest, AI agents may account for more than 40% of total daily active users by 2030, significantly driving up the valuation of blockchain assets that will benefit from an increasing number of The transaction fees generated by the AI ​​agent. Furthermore, while predictions based on historical regression may not always be accurate, the key point is that as the network expands, the value of the network will grow exponentially. Even if the forecast is only 25% correct, the current market valuation will achieve a 4 to 5 times increase.