Comment on why SSV plummeted

SSV is an Ethereum staking infrastructure that allows users to access decentralized ETH staking in a simple and scalable way.

Why did it plummet? There are two reasons:

1️⃣ The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has intensified, and Israel has recently made mysterious moves.

(1) Yesterday, the Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire negotiations reached a deadlock, and I am afraid that the war will continue.

(2) At the United Nations meeting yesterday, Palestine officially joined the United Nations, which is not a good thing for Israel in the international community.

(3) The Israeli representative tore up the United Nations Charter with a shredder in public, which was jaw-dropping.

The founder of SSV is an Israeli who joined the army in November 2023. Therefore, Israel’s recent behavior has made coin holders worried, and there has been a sell-off.

2️⃣EigenLayer issued coins, and a large amount of Ethereum was withdrawn

We all know that SSV is the middleware for Ethereum staking. The more ETH staked, the higher the SSV protocol income. At present, after EigenLayer issued coins, investors have withdrawn the staked ETH, and SSV has also been affected.

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