#Solana On-chain DEX has a transaction volume of 9.533 billion US dollars in the past 7 days, ranking first, with a 7-day increase of 26.26%.
The transaction volume of Ethereum on-chain DEX in the past 7 days was 9.325 billion US dollars, a 7-day decrease of 28.12%.
#BSC On-chain DEX has a transaction volume of 4.329 billion US dollars in the past 7 days, a 7-day increase of 6.67%.
Arbitrum On-chain DEX has a transaction volume of 2.838 billion US dollars in the past 7 days, a 7-day decrease of 27.19%.
#Base On-chain DEX has a transaction volume of 1.608 billion US dollars in the past 7 days, a 7-day decrease of 33.55%.