1. TIA, SEI,... turning point to change valuation

A while ago, people were still struggling about the valuation of technology coins,... what price is cheap and what price can be bought.

TIA's new floor listing with cap ~200M is normal, people don't know if TIA like that is expensive or cheap. But after a short time, TIA has increased by 10 from 2$ to 20$ to the surprise and bewilderment of the players, at this time TIA has a cap of about $2 billion.

2. From doubt to trust

After the successful TIA price push that made a big splash, this is the new era of billion-dollar technology coin, blah blah,...

At this time, new coins do not need to be listed at low prices to push up the price, but should be listed directly at high prices.

Initially, people were skeptical about the cap of 2 billion $ of TIA and the new coins, thinking that the price of the new coin listing was a bit high.

The media got involved, the articles were full of reasons that sounded very interesting. People think that such a cap is appropriate in this context, this coin has abc technology worthy of a billion $ cap, there is an investment fund xyz participating, blah blah...

After a long enough period of time, people gradually get used to that cap level.

Giang Cu plum now has data to price technology coins.

For base coins, L1, L2: cap 1-2 billion is normal.

Small coins labeled with technology abc, xyz: auto cap from 500 - 800M

3. Plan completed

Gradually, people believed that the valuation was reasonable and bought new coins from the normal list hoping the coin would pump soon.

But not until now has everything become clear, this is a very methodical "dump". MM returned those coins to their true value.

#crypto #btc #TIA/USDT