In the 2024 US presidential election, an unprecedented trend is quietly reshaping the campaign landscape. As the boundaries between technology and finance blur, cryptocurrency has become an issue that cannot be ignored, and former President Donald Trump, in his own unique style, has pushed this emerging industry to the center of the debate.

The story began a few months ago, when Trump announced his involvement in the NFT field, trying to use this blockchain technology product to connect his supporters with the crypto world. This move is not only an expansion of his personal financial landscape, but also a clear signal to the majority of cryptocurrency enthusiasts: the crypto industry may usher in new development opportunities in the Trump era.

As the campaign progressed, Trump changed his previous critical attitude towards Bitcoin and took a more open and supportive stance. He emphasized on many occasions that cryptocurrency, as the forefront of technological innovation, is essential to promoting the diversification of the US economy and maintaining global financial leadership. This shift was interpreted as a direct response to the growing group of "crypto voters", a group of young, technology-sensitive voters who are becoming potential "kingmakers" in the 2024 election.

To further consolidate this support base, Trump announced a series of policy ideas aimed at promoting innovation and regulation of cryptocurrencies. These include establishing a clear regulatory framework to protect investors' rights and interests while encouraging innovation; promoting the application of blockchain technology in government services and supply chain management; and exploring the potential role of digital currencies in the US financial system. These initiatives quickly received responses from a number of politicians who openly support cryptocurrencies, including Robert Kennedy Jr., who jointly called for a crypto-friendly American future.

However, Trump's support is not without challenges. Controversy over his past words and deeds and ongoing legal investigations within the Republican Party have made some members of the party reserved about his re-election. But Trump has successfully attracted the attention of a large number of independent voters and young conservatives with his firm support for cryptocurrency, who see cryptocurrency as a symbol of personal freedom and economic opportunity.

As the campaign entered a white-hot stage, Trump announced plans to cooperate with leaders of the crypto industry at a series of rallies, vowing to make the United States a global center for cryptocurrency innovation. These moves not only injected fresh blood into his campaign, but also forced his opponent, incumbent President Biden, to respond positively to the issue of cryptocurrency regulation and development, thus setting off a nationwide discussion on the future of financial technology.

In the end, regardless of whether Trump can win the White House again, this "fusion moment" between him and the crypto industry has undoubtedly profoundly changed the narrative of the 2024 US election and brought considerable political momentum to the development of the global cryptocurrency market. This is a game about technology, economy and power, and Trump once again stands at the center of the stage. #美国4月失业率上升 #ETFvsBTC #5月市场关键事件