Ripple: XRPL accelerator later plan Scale Program will be launched in August, and applications will be fully open. Hanzhong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision revealed the case of misappropriation of public funds by seconded personnel of the city's direct public housing management office for cryptocurrency speculation. The head of cryptocurrency Quant research pointed out that miners' income has reached the lowest point since March 2020. Gansu Tianshui Public Security successfully smashed a criminal gang involved in virtual currency money laundering and recovered more than one million yuan in losses. Amber Group related addresses sent 1,200 ETH to and Gnosis Safe. BNB Chain high-risk DappBay alert added i3D Rapid. Artist Huang Jiannan will hold a free lottery event in the NFT community. Argentina arrested 3 initiators suspected of involving a $1.25 million cryptocurrency scam, which may involve more than $100 million in money laundering. The total open interest of BTC options on the entire network is $17.48 billion, and the open interest of ETH options is $8.92 billion. Market analysis shows that the total number of transactions on the Ethereum mainnet has hit a new high, and the trend of transaction fees has begun to separate. Bitcoin is currently in a continuous consolidation phase and may bottom out when market sentiment hits the bottom. Puffer: EIGEN can be staked to the Puffer official node again. Overall, the market is showing a continuous consolidation, but there is a downward trend, and investors need to be cautious.