When we step into the world of digital currency, most people dream of a sudden increase in wealth overnight. However, the cruel reality is that more than 90% of people end up suffering heavy losses or even losing all their money. Those so-called projects and exchanges are actually manipulating behind the scenes to pocket investors' funds. Next, I will reveal these common tricks to cut leeks for everyone.

Trick 1:

Some project parties frantically launch so-called "air coins" to create an illusion that these coins have huge appreciation potential. In the past, the market value of a new coin may be only 10 million US dollars when it goes online, and even if it increases 100 times, it is only 100 million US dollars. But now, many coins have a market value of more than 100 million US dollars as soon as they go online. Project parties continue to consume market liquidity through long-term unlocking and cashing out, resulting in the overall weakness of the altcoin market. Therefore, I prefer to choose fully circulated MEME coins such as PEPE, so there is no need to worry about being locked in later.

Trick 2:

The project party established various social media groups through offline roadshows and invited well-known "big V" platforms. There are dedicated people to maintain them every day, constantly instilling in investors the illusion that these currencies will bring huge returns. In order to increase the activity of the group, they even gave away tokens for free, and then sold them at high prices to make huge profits. This model is to constantly absorb funds at low levels, and after completely controlling the market, start to raise prices, attract retail investors to enter the market, and finally sell them at high levels, and so on. Trick 3:

The market website, exchange and project party formed a community of interests to jointly harvest retail investors. Some bad project parties and unknown exchanges, in order to survive and make profits, harvest investors by any means. They colluded with each other in the early days and used the trading volume as a weapon to meet their respective needs. The project party hopes to make a profit after the token is launched, the exchange will obtain income through listing fees and transaction fees, and the market website will make profits by publishing advertisements, and even publish cryptocurrency trading data without verification. The most pitiful are those ordinary investors who have been cut into pieces, but have nowhere to complain.

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