📣Blockchain News Flash! British Chinese Wen Jian was found guilty by the British court of "participating in the arrangement of money laundering" and may face up to 14 years in prison. 👨‍⚖️The sentencing originally scheduled for May 10 was postponed to May 24 due to the judge's busy affairs. 😮

Wen Jian served Qian Zhimin, who had deceived more than 120,000 Chinese investors. Qian Zhimin was accused of obtaining, using or possessing criminal-related cryptocurrencies in London and other parts of the UK from October 1, 2017 to April 23, 2024. These cryptocurrencies originated from the huge economic fraud she committed in China. 🔍

During the investigation of Wen Jian and Qian Zhimin, the British police seized more than 61,000 bitcoins, the largest amount of cryptocurrency ever seized in the UK, worth about 3.06 billion pounds. 💰The power of Bitcoin is unstoppable! 🚀 (Sanlian Life Weekly)