The time-sharing chart represents the main funds

Don't intervene in these four types

First, rushing high to lure more

The new K-line coin price rose sharply, but the volume began to shrink after the rush, and then the coin price fell below the intraday average line, and the upward pullback during the session was weak, gradually moving away from the average price line. At this time, it is likely that funds are taking the opportunity to flee. Don't intervene!

Second, weak downward

The daily line immediately dived, and was suppressed by the average price line throughout the day. The rebound was extremely weak. Don't intervene! It will make you get deeper and deeper without knowing it.

Third, fishing hook

The daily line fell once, creating panic and then pulled up straight during the session, attracting the attention of funds, closing the daily line and diving again, locking in the rising chips; this kind of time-sharing usually appears at the end of a continuous rise. If you see it, stay away, don't intervene!

Fourth, repeated rise and fall

The attack sentiment after the variety market is not strong, and there are fewer after the rise, and repeated sharp pulls and sharp drops release a huge amount. This is a typical staring at the pressure to pull the goods, so don't chase high.

Reminders for long and short positions: entry position and stop loss position!

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