$ENA Recently, I found that some people still don’t know how to get the ENA airdrop. This article will explain it in a little more detail, from the content of the event to the operation method.

Airdrop introduction Event address:

ENA official website app.ethena.fi/join/fjkb9

Total airdrop amount: This is the second phase of ENA airdrop, that is, season 2. The first phase released 5% of the total ENA of 15 billion, that is, 750 million. How much will be released in this phase? The introduction of the official website will be announced after the end of the event, which is the same as the first phase. The fifth General FAQ on the official website homepage is this content. Personally, I predict that it will be at least 5%, the same as the first phase, and may not exceed 10% at most. That is, 750 million to 1.5 billion ENA.

How much can each person get? The amount of airdrop ENA each person gets depends on how many points you get in this phase, which is called Sats. Your points divided by the proportion of the total points of this airdrop is the proportion of airdrop ENA you get. The total points and your personal points can be seen on the official website homepage.

How to get Sats? - Stake ENA or USDe.

Let's talk about staking USDe first. Visit the homepage app.ethena.fi/join/fjkb9 and then connect your wallet to log in. Of course, you must ensure that you have USDT in your wallet. Click Buy, then select USDT and buy it. Of course, you need to prepare some ETH in your wallet as gas fees. If you are a novice, it is recommended that you deposit $10 of ETH in case of emergency, because many airdrop activities may use a little gas fees.

Then click Stake, enter the amount of USDe you want to stake, and confirm. After staking, you will get an equal amount of sUSDe, which is a staking certificate, and then you can experience an annualized return of 15.9%. The interest is also issued to you in the form of sUSDe. The interest rate is dynamic and changes once a week. It was as much as 35% at the beginning, and recently dropped to 15%+, which is still a very good interest rate.

If you want to redeem. Then click Unstake and exchange sUSDe back to USDe. However, after clicking Unstake, you have to wait 7 days before you can claim and withdraw the funds to your wallet.

Similarly, you can also select Lock ENA or Lock USDe at How to Earn on the homepage, which will earn you corresponding points. You can also select liquidity from the top menu on the homepage, and then do the same as locking.#ENAUSDT #ENA质押