1D Technical Analysis - ETH/BTC

Current price: 0.04790 ETH/BTC

Change in the last 24 hours: -1.16%

Volume in the last 24 hours: 22,002.91 ETH

Technical indicators:


* Upper band: 0.05140 ETH/BTC

* Middle band: 0.04920 ETH/BTC

*Lower band: 0.04701 ETH/BTC


*Current volume: 18,735.4605 ETH

* Simple moving average (MA5): 19,296.5580 ETH

* Simple Moving Average (MA10): 24,876.8961 ETH


ETH/BTC price has been in a downtrend over the past 24 hours, with a drop of 1.16%. The price is currently below the middle Bollinger band, indicating that the downtrend could continue.

However, trading volume has increased in the last 24 hours, which could be a sign that investors are starting to take interest in the pair again.


At the moment it is difficult to say with certainty what will happen to the price of ETH/BTC in the future. However, technical indicators suggest that the downtrend could continue in the short term. Investors should consider their own risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.


*If you are a short-term trader, you may want to consider selling ETH/BTC if the price falls below the lower Bollinger band.

*If you are a long-term trader, you may want to hold your position or even buy more ETH/BTC if the price drops further.

It is important to remember that technical analysis is not an exact science and there are no guarantees that predictions will come true.

It is always best to do your own research before making any investment decisions.

Here are some additional resources that may be helpful:

* ETH/BTC chart on TradingView: https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/ETHBTC/

* Technical analysis of ETH/BTC in Investing.com: https://www.investing.com/crypto/ethereum/eth-btc-chart

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