Odaily Planet Daily reported that the Hong Kong market welcomed 6 virtual asset spot ETFs to the market last week, but data shows that from the perspective of average daily turnover, CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF still holds the top spot, and the listing of spot ETFs has not affected the market. It creates a significant impact. The average daily trading volume of CSOP Bitcoin futures in the week since the spot ETF was launched (April 30-May 8) has reached HK$70.33 million, accounting for 50% of all virtual asset ETFs, and is the largest share of the other four Bitcoins. The average daily trading volume of related ETFs during the same period was 1.4 times. From the perspective of capital flow, market fluctuations do not change the attractiveness of funds. According to Bloomberg data, virtual asset ETFs listed in Hong Kong received a total of HK$254 million in capital inflows in the past week (April 30-May 9). Yesterday, it was even more It hit a peak in capital flows in the past week, with an inflow of nearly HK$140 million. CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF received a single-day net inflow of HK$193 million. (cnyes)