There are several types of people around me who have become rich through Bitcoin.

1. When Bitcoin was worth tens or hundreds of yuan, there were a few players who had a good family background and loved to play games and bought it for fun. Just like playing games, they bought hundreds or thousands of Bitcoins, and then Bitcoin went up wildly. The players didn’t pay attention until 2017 when Bitcoin went up wildly to nearly 100,000 RMB. The players slapped their foreheads and thought, “Fuck, I still have thousands of Bitcoins.” They cashed out at high prices, got hundreds of millions of yuan, and kept one or two thousand Bitcoins. Then they started to hang around major exchanges and became diamond customers of each other. The average age of this type of players is less than 30 years old, and they were also naughty kids back then (the youngest I met was born in 1995). This is the first type.

2. When Bitcoin first entered the public eye in 2013, people doing cross-border transactions were more sensitive to it, because cross-border trade originally involved currency exchange, and currency exchange had to go through various bank procedures and various time differences. In summary, the weakness of traditional financial currency exchange lies here. The process is cumbersome, the procedures are complicated, there are handling fees, and there is also the risk of exchange rate. Then a few big bosses suddenly felt, eh?

Bitcoin is good, cross-border payment is a bit interesting. Then, using the global liquidity of Bitcoin as a way to exchange currency, they began to buy a large number of Bitcoins as a means of exchange. As a result, the business has not seen much improvement. The bitcoins bought for a few hundred suddenly jumped to tens of thousands. The small boss was very happy. He saved the handling fee and took advantage of the rise and fall of Bitcoin. Then he continued to expand and continued to use Bitcoin for exchange. This type of people are generally people in the real industry but not the traditional financial industry. They have their own fixed shipping and purchase channels, fixed partners, and are relatively strong, excluding Bitcoin. This is the second type.

If you are still confused in the cryptocurrency circle, follow the big bulls and enter the Bull House as your main business!