It is said that there is no cryptocurrency circle, no sudden wealth.

So in this circle, you can see stories of sudden wealth everywhere. . .

Those who play contracts will show you screenshots of profits every day

Those who do short-term trading will keep showing you short-term techniques

Those who do quantitative trading will keep selling robots to you

Those who do U business will always want to take you to buy and sell U

When you open your phone, do you always feel that others make a lot of money every day, but you lose money every day? I tell you, it's all fake.

The market is so cold, but they are the busiest, busy with P fake pictures, writing jokes, and appeasing rights protection personnel.

And the stories of sudden wealth in their mouths are to sell their stories of sudden wealth, lure you into the trap, and transfer your money to his pocket. If you want to become a mature investor, you should start by giving up the idea of ​​getting rich overnight. There has never been any story of sudden wealth.

For ordinary investors, the best business model is to hoard coins in the market and make money outside the market. Other than this, everything else is not doing business properly. This will cost a lot, and those who have experienced it will understand. They understand human nature and will use your cleverness to make you make small money and lose big money.

If you are still hoarding, you should also know how boring it is to hoard coins. Stay calm, wait for the mad bull to come, and you will have what you deserve, just let them jump around.

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If you have any questions, follow me to the bull house!