How to screen strong altcoins?

Necessary prerequisites for buying altcoins: at least wait until the bull market appears. You can refer to the following points to screen strong altcoins.

First, look for the top market capitalization rankings. There are many stablecoins and Bitcoin tokens similar to WBTC, so we can only observe the top 50 at most. The more you go back, the more pits there are. There may be dark horses, but the probability of you buying them is extremely low.

Second, look for the top trading volume rankings, and the trading volume needs to remain active for a long time. You can pay attention to the trading volume rankings of exchanges such as Binance or OKX.

Third, the trend is stronger than the market. Some altcoins always have a higher increase than Bitcoin in each round of rise, but they will not fall too deep when they fall, and they will still strive for opportunities to pull higher than BTC in the next round of rise. Pay special attention to these altcoins, they may be the stars in the bull market.

Fourth, learn to track hot spots. The nature of the market is always to speculate on new things rather than old things, but speculation on new things also requires rhythm. If you are not careful, you will fall into the pit and be buried.

Fifth, learn to judge the rotation of sectors. The market hot spots are nothing more than the rotation of the main sectors such as the Bitcoin system, Ethereum system, SOL system, and meme system. In particular, the performance of the meme system is very eye-catching. The reason is that the meme system is basically fully circulated, which is relatively fair to retail investors.

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