Recently, the positive answer from the head of the ETF institution has once again attracted the attention and heated discussion of the market. They said that it is possible to include Bitcoin ETF in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program in the next two years. This news not only makes the market full of expectations, but also triggers widespread speculation about the future trend of Bitcoin.

Harvest Global CEO Han Tongli said: "As long as everything goes well in the next two years, we do not rule out applying to include our ETF in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program." As an institution that provides Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF products in Hong Kong, Harvest Global's statement means that Bitcoin ETF is expected to become part of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect.

The news has attracted widespread attention from the market. If Bitcoin ETF is really included in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program, mainland funds are expected to surge in, injecting huge vitality and funds into the Bitcoin market. An industry insider who wishes to remain anonymous said: "If there is no confidence, who dares to say this? It must have received some kind of tacit hint!" This has further deepened the market's expectations and confidence in the inclusion of Bitcoin ETF in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect.

Once Bitcoin ETF is included in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, it is expected that Bitcoin prices will usher in a new round of increases. Market analysts pointed out that the inclusion of Bitcoin ETF will have a huge impact on the price trend of Bitcoin, making it no longer limited to the price of $100,000, but may start at at least $500,000.

In general, the statement of Harvest Global's CEO has given the market more confidence and expectations, and the possibility of Bitcoin ETF being included in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has attracted much attention. With the development of the market and changes in regulatory policies, we also look forward to the implementation of this important market good news of Bitcoin ETF as soon as possible, injecting new impetus and vitality into the Bitcoin market.

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