Currently, altcoins continue to work hard to maintain stable valuations, but they should be able to slowly begin to form a bottom pattern in the next few weeks. We said a long time ago that the second quarter of the altcoin season is coming, and this month is also an important time for our layout

There are also a few coins that we have marked in the past two days: inj metis sui bome pepe chz and some others that I will not list one by one. These are also very small positions. Just lay out the head position. Spots require a time period. I believe that many spot players understand this. Next, we will start to prepare for heavy positions. Iron men, prepare bullets in case of emergency. Don’t let the market come when you have no bullets

In addition, our VIP family has made good profits in the past two days, especially the contract code marked by our VIP family in the morning yesterday. The average price of the position was around 2950, ​​and the highest point rebounded to 3058u, and our target was 3055u, a perfect stop profit, grasping the increase of 100 knives

Also, our famous brand code pepe yesterday is also Directly get double the profit, past records can be checked

In addition, our famous brand has just entered the ETH short position and currently has a profit of about $20, which is far from our goal. Those who often follow me should know that we must double the profit. Of course, for safety reasons, you can move the stop loss to the boarding price

Finally, I want to say that before the second cycle of the cottage season comes, we must have low-level chips in our hands. It is understandable that we can't get it the first time, but it is not understandable that we can't get it the second time. If you don't know what to layout, you can pay attention to my dynamics

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