Recognize and stick to the general trend, don't be emotional in short-term fluctuations, don't blindly follow the trend, don't be afraid of repetition, insist on self-analysis, and firmly implement it in place. The final result is the best verification.

In market transactions, human nature will be magnified many times. Strictly speaking, it is a weakness of human nature, so successful transactions are more difficult than losing weight, but you must always believe that there must be reasons for losses and there must be methods for profits.

You think we are "stubborn", only bullish and inflexible, but in fact, our firm thinking is supported by a strong technical analysis level. If you only follow the market crowd based on your feelings, it will eventually be futile.

An unstable mentality will lead to poor trading results, and the analysis level is one of the factors that determine your mentality. Please note that it is one of them, not the only one, because no matter how good the analysis is, if you cannot strictly implement it, it will be useless. Only by achieving unity of knowledge and action can you deserve the reputation.