On Friday, May 10, 2024, Bitcoin afternoon thoughts sharing

Retracing and adjusting, shorts are unlikely to make moves, and Bitcoin will continue to be long in the evening

The price of the currency fell under pressure after a rebound to the 63,400 area in the morning, and rebounded again after a slight drop to the 62,700 area. The rhythm is still strong. In the morning, it fell back to the 62,500-62,300 area to go long. The market is basically in line with our expectations. It rebounded slightly from the bottom. The overall rhythm is still strong, and the momentum of the decline is insufficient. We will continue to pay attention to the rebound of the market in the evening.

At present, the 4-hour rhythm is strong. A round of gains broke the previous downward trend. The trend structure has obviously changed. Once the structure changes, the overall direction of the market will also change. The 62700 area failed to continue to break down at noon, so we can rely on this area to be bullish in the evening. In the past market, we often mentioned that strong is not deep adjustment, and deep adjustment is not strong. The current trend is like this. The kinetic energy of the decline is weak. In the short term, it is also restrained by bulls, so the operation continues to be bullish.

On Friday afternoon, it is recommended to buy around 62600 for big cakes, and the target is 6400-64500.

On Friday afternoon, it is recommended to buy around 3000 for ether, and the target is 3100-3150.

Grasp the turning point, follow the trend and do it. If the trend comes, you will not die if you can't get the Yellow River, and you will not release the eagle if you don't see the rabbit. If you are always wandering between bottom-picking and top-touching, you can follow Huaye and become a trend follower together to grasp the code of getting rich.

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