🎉The final round of revenue distribution was injected, and 14,367 cakes were distributed to all locked staking users participating in the revenue sharing pool.

🚀 Head to the new veCAKE staking page - check and claim your rewards! 👉pancakeswap.finance/cake-staking? C...

🆕The new veCAKE is now online. Now, veCAKE pool rewards can be claimed weekly along with revenue shares! Be sure to lock your cake or move your existing cake staking position before May 15th at 23:59 UTC to start accruing revenue shares to claim on May 23rd! Check out this document to learn how to migrate: 📚 docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/vecak…

ℹ️Please note that the quantity of cake rewards is affected by various external factors and may not match the quantity 100%.

$CAKE #內容挖矿 #內容挖礦