Connecting the past and the future, the market finally fell back to the 6W mark again. Before this Friday, the fixed range was too standard. While harvesting, we must also do a good job of defense and capital preservation in each round. After all, no one knows when the next round of fluctuations around 10,000 points will come back again. Simply replay the market, the content of yesterday's video continued to find the bottom, and the short-term target of about 700 points was successfully achieved. After the retreat, pay attention to stabilization and take more again; before the current range is broken, the reference position is 6W-6W3, the bottom support can be traced back to 5W8, and the top can be referenced to 6W5 and 6W7. Therefore, in fact, starting from May, the market has The body is basically in a transparent state before moving forward. The digestion of the pin wash in the early stage was too serious. Coupled with the international influence, the liquidity continued to decrease. It is difficult to maintain the 10,000-point wash market similar to the previous months.

From the current trend, it is also in line with this point. Although the bulls have been weak in the recent rebound, I am more optimistic about the momentum. The middle of the month must be the turning point of this month. Refer to the non-agricultural data at the beginning of this month and the content of Lao Bao’s press conference.

A video dynamic will be released later, and it will be broadcast at 8:30 in the evening. Interested friends can pay attention to the update later; I am confused at this stage. Friends who have other questions about the contract spot can pay attention to Yixuan Classroom eth395, for more market details, please feel free to ask questions

Let's talk about today's market:

After testing the bottom of 60500 yesterday, it began to rebound, and the amplitude of 3K points came to around 6W3. In fact, friends who have been paying attention to recent videos can clearly see that without the influence of news and market, it is difficult for the 4H cycle to break out of the position, and it rebounds naturally. There are not so many excuses to find out why it will rise

Naked K-day line, the downward wave is still continuing, and a result will be seen in the next two weeks: whether it will continue to hit a low, or rebound after a double bottom. This is also a problem that most perspectives are more concerned about at this stage; the reference short pressure of the big cake today: 63.6k, 64.1k; the reference support is 62.4k. Whether it will fall again determines whether to insist on the idea of ​​shorting during the day.