Many people are talking about the on-chain ecology and TVL when they see TON, but they are going in the wrong direction.

Is TON's current market value in the top 10 because of its good ecology? Everything comes from Telegram.

The carrier of Sol and ETH is that chain, and that chain is the fundamentals. The carrier of TON is Telegram, not the TON chain.

The native Crypto thinking is, what architecture is used to develop your chain?

How is the developer ecology? Is the DeFi ecology rich? How is the TVL growth? Is the transaction smooth? How is the on-chain experience? These determine whether the token of your chain is feasible.

When it comes to TON, the story is different.

You should pay attention to the conversion rate of non-Crypto users to crypto users on Telegram?

Do you prefer to use TON or USDT to send red envelopes now? Is anyone willing to deposit USDT in the Telegram wallet?

After the channel owner gets the advertising income settled in ton, are they willing to continue to hold ton or sell it? What is the proportion here?

How many real users are there of miniapps like Notcoin? How fast is the spread?

Can Telegram be transformed from a pure chat social software into a financial + social + one-stop front-end application like WeChat?

Can the poor guys in the vast third world countries with almost zero financial infrastructure experience the efficiency of transfers for the first time through Telegram?

These are the key to determining whether TON will work and where the opportunities are. Whether the TON chain ecosystem is popular or not is just a bonus.

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