Today's market is concise and to the point. Bullish. Go long if the price does not break 62097u. Stop loss price is 61400u. Target price is 64392u. (If this position is broken, the strategy will be invalid automatically! This is the key. Do not place orders and watch the market.) Don't rush to sell the cottage trapped coins. If the market can pull up, the small coins will take off. However, there is a monthly pressure level above, at 65973u. Let's analyze it from a purely bullish perspective. Once this position breaks and stands firm, the next upper pressure level is 67425u. If it continues to rise, it will go to 72000u. Don't be too happy or too quick to refute it. It has reached the previous high, which is what I said half a month ago, an excellent position for long-term short positions. From my perspective, the overall market is going to rise first and then fall. The dealer wants to use a long-term long-term short to shatter the market's confidence and wash everyone out of the market. Only in the middle of next year can we welcome the arrival of the real bull market top.

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