As a data platform for the BTC ecosystem, GeniiData has newly launched the rune data analysis function, which can intuitively show the price, rise and fall, 24-hour transaction volume, 24-hour transaction order number, and market value of Ethereum holders of a certain rune. At the same time, you can also enter the trading market to buy and sell with one click.

At the same time, by clicking on the name of the rune, you can directly enter the details of the rune and see the price K-line chart of the rune. It will no longer be as abstract as before.

Currently, the options available are 15 minutes, one hour and one day. The 15-minute K-line is currently only visible to those who hold Feeling Good NFT and Genesis Pass on the platform, which also empowers those who hold Feeling Good NFT and Genesis Pass.

GeniiData new function link: