I hope that 90% of traders will read what I am going to say carefully.

If you lose less or no money most of the time, you will make money.

Trends are not always there. Most of the time, we can only try and make mistakes.

Newcomers have two characteristics. The first characteristic is that they want to make profits every day. But if you want to make profits every day, you can only do small spreads such as scalping.

Scalping makes no sense. The first element is to grasp the rhythm, but over time you will find that the average profit rate is actually very low, far less than trend trading. And scalping will develop a habit of leaving the market in a hurry when you see a small return.

But in my experience, many markets have proven that you are right. In fact, as long as you can hold on for a while, you will find that making money is not difficult.

In fact, the main reason why you feel that you cannot strictly implement your system is that you have not experienced the benefits of resolute execution, so you must at least force yourself to do it a few times until you experience it and you will understand.

Also, don't be afraid of profit taking. If too much profit is taken back in the early stage of the trend, it can only mean that this time is not a trend at all, so there is no regret.

Remember, the profit is given to you by the market, not your wishful thinking.

The second characteristic of newcomers is that they are reluctant to stop loss after seeing the loss. There is actually only one reason for this phenomenon, that is, they do not have enough confidence in the strategy they use. These traders cannot clearly understand where the profit point of their system is.

Moreover, they do not know the maximum percentage of loss that their system can bear and the average percentage of loss. There is only one way to obtain these data, that is, you have made a long-term statistics. The longer you count, the clearer your answer will be, and naturally your confidence will be more sufficient.

Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow the introduction, bull market spot planning, password, free sharing.

I need fans, you need reference.It is better to pay attention than to guess.