Will TRB repeat history? Even more awesome, breaking $1,000!

A currency that soars and plummets; at the beginning of 2024, TRB completed a "roller coaster" performance.

TRB coin, full name Tellor, is a currency in Binance's prediction section.

On the day before the New Year, TRB, which had been rising for 4 months, climbed from $268.88 to $593.09 the next day, an increase of 120.5%.

Just as TRB successfully attracted the attention of the market, TRB fell sharply in the following period, falling to a low of $143.69 in 6 hours, a drop of 312.75% from the high point.

As a participant in the Binance prediction section, TRB's price fluctuations are highly controlled by the main force, and technical analysis is difficult to grasp. Without sufficient data flow support, there is little hope of making a profit from investing in TRB.

The current upward trend of TRB coin looks similar to the past. Please fully understand and evaluate its risks before deciding to invest. At present, I know that many of my friends are still trapped by the last wave of 500 US dollars and waiting to be released.

For radical speculators, please remain rational and make careful decisions.

As I said, if you come to me, I will take you ashore, and you just lie down.

Friends who deduct 8 in the comment area will take you to Niushe! (Free)

Brother Chuang will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈 Come and see the strength