#bullrun Everyone writes about how they prepared for the bull, which is true. Everyone saved coins for the bull, they saved money, they thoroughly read and researched what the bull and the rally are like, everything is normal up to this point, everyone studied carefully where and what to do, everyone dreams of making a million, but what do you think, whales, market makers were not prepared just because you prepared like this. you think

You think that this year's rally will be like every year, all at the same time, an upward correction and then to the top, but that is not the case, you have prepared for the previous bulls or rallies, you do not even have the slightest idea about this year's rally and bulls, plans and calculations were made behind closed doors. . This year, they gave the impression that it would be the same as every year and let everyone in, but it is not like that, look, they are emptying the goods from the top one by one and collecting everyone's money. The losses in this rally are much greater, so great that there are people who committed suicide, there are people who lost everything and begged on the platform, it is the highest of all times, if you call it fraud. At the level of money, in the end, everyone will earn a safe, and everyone will call it crypto fraud, so take your coin, withdraw it to a cold wallet, enter it after 2 years, sell it, make another investment or achieve your dreams. No one can get rich without producing something in 3 or 6 months. Don't dream empty dreams. #btc #bitcoin #binancetrading $BTC