​🚨 User #Crypto lost $51,573 because he did not revoke his phishing permit 9 months ago.

Friends, if you are an active cryptan or a drop hunter, then before connecting your wallet to new sites, make sure that it is from the official project team, and even better remember:

1 🔥- never connect your main wallet where your funds are stored, use it only to transfer your assets

2 🔥- create several wallets for yourself, new, empty ones and connect only them, name them for example for #Airdrop (so as not to get confused)

3 🔥 - I think everyone already knows about how to store the seed phrase

4 🔥 - do not interact with #Nft that you did not purchase

5 🔥 - only new wallets for connections

6 🔥- use the name for the wallet so as not to make a mistake with the address (Name.Uni.eth, Name.eth, Name.sol, etc.)

7 🔥- in general, maintain digital hygiene and you will be safe

And lastly 👉 check your main wallet for the permissions that you have confirmed, so as not to end up like the hero of this article, or better yet, create a new one, transfer assets to it and be calm.

If you have any questions, write a comment and we’ll discuss it

#ScamRiskWarning #Bitcoin