Ah, I don't know if I don't calculate it. I accidentally clicked it today to take a look. I am so good 🙄🙄🙄🙄. It has fallen against the trend in the past 30 days. I actually made money.

I am a trader who only does longs, plus spot trading. The reason is that I have realized the word "focus". In the past few days, I have focused on ai trb front and the income brought by some strong varieties. This account has opened a real account in coin. When the number of fans reaches a certain number, I will announce it.

I called two group friends in the past few days, and I got on the bus and ate it myself, so the curve is very beautiful. This is built for fans, so it is free, and Brother Ostrich doesn't need these three melons and two dates. After all, I am a Taoist. Pay attention to Brother Ostrich.

So everything is possible$TRB $FRONT #灰度撤回以太坊期货etf申请 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个?