What is the cryptocurrency circle?

The money that cannot be lost in traditional finance can be lost in 1 minute in the cryptocurrency circle, and the money that cannot be earned in traditional finance in a month can also be earned in 1 minute in the cryptocurrency circle.

The leverage that cannot be added in traditional finance can be added in the cryptocurrency circle.

The money that cannot be circled in traditional finance can be circled in the cryptocurrency circle with just a piece of code. In short, I will lose what I cannot lose outside, and I will also earn what I cannot earn outside. I will open leverage first and then blow up the position, and the banker will grant it.

This is a fairyland that countless people yearn for, and it is also a purgatory on earth that they cannot avoid.

Nonsense, I wish all bosses can make a lot of money this round and live a fairy life as soon as possible! #TRB走势预测