Many fans come to consult: What do you think of the big pie tonight? What orders can be opened?

Generally, fans who come to consult are fans of contracts. No matter whether you are long or short, making money is temporary, and returning to zero is the end

The current number of long and short positions, long orders account for more than 62%. At this time, it is not appropriate for you to go long, because the dealer will not pull the market so easily and let you go to ship.

It is not appropriate to go short either, because this year is the halving of Bitcoin. After the halving, the bull market is about to start. A rebound will stop your short order

If you have to choose between long and short. That is short, strictly set the stop profit and stop loss.

The fan asked again: At what point should the stop profit and stop loss be placed?

Stop profit 1000 points, stop loss 500 points

If your order today is stopped, then don't rush to make it back, open a position tomorrow. Rebuild confidence #BTC走势分析