Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum trends in the early morning:

Bitcoin is currently hovering around the daily long and short price of 62050. Keep an eye on this position in the early morning. If it falls below and the daily line fails to close at this position at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, the daily line will turn to the short side. The support below is around 60950-59800-58700.

If it rebounds in the early morning, look at the 62820 position above. If it stands at this position, the 4-hour correction ends and starts to rise. The upper target/pressure level is around 63750-64500-65400.#BTC #BTC走势分析

Ether is currently on the short side at all levels. If it rebounds in the early morning, look at the 3030-3080 positions above. If the rebound does not break the short position, there is a chance to buy. Pay attention to the lower target/support level around 2970-2935-2903.#ETH #以太坊行情走势分析