How to overcome fear and greed in cryptocurrency trading

Fear and greed are psychological factors that everyone needs to face, and they are also the biggest causes of losses

1. Set clear goals: Whether it is a bull market or a bear market, you should set profit targets and stop loss bottom lines in advance. When you reach the target point, act decisively and don't be swayed by market sentiment.

2. Reasonably control positions: Don't invest all your positions. Reasonably allocate positions to ensure that there are still funds to adjust strategies when the market fluctuates.

3. Adhere to the fixed investment strategy: Invest regularly and in fixed amounts to avoid the impulse of chasing ups and downs. Even in a bear market, the fixed investment strategy can effectively spread the cost and help cope with market fluctuations.

4. Strengthen basic knowledge: Have an in-depth understanding of the project background, technical principles and policy trends, and avoid being affected by market sentiment, shouting information and gossip.

5. Stay calm and rational: When the market fluctuates, stay calm and don't be affected by FOMO and FUD.

6. Regularly review and summarize: record trading conditions, analyze gains and losses, continuously optimize investment strategies, discover your own blind spots and correct them in time.

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