Standard Chartered: Trump's defeat of Biden will be good for Bitcoin

Although BTC returns to 6.2w

, there is no doubt that the market sentiment is bullish, and after the BTC spot ETF, it is completely open to the public and has attracted more and more attention from politicians!

Donald Trump's re-election as president may benefit Bitcoin.

Import tariffs during Comrade Jianguo's term will lead to "several large reserve managers buying Bitcoin in 2025."

As early as March, Trump, who had slammed Bitcoin, said he enjoyed making money and playing with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

"I make money with it, and I have fun with it," he said. "Crazy new currencies, that's what I mean. They are all crazy new currencies, whether it's Bitcoin or other currencies."

Donald Trump used to be anti-cryptocurrency.

But British banking giant Standard Chartered Bank said that Bitcoin could benefit if he wins and is re-elected as US president in November.

Geoffrey Kendrick, a digital asset researcher at Standard Chartered Bank, said in a report on Tuesday that another Trump administration would not treat Bitcoin as strictly as the Biden administration.

He added that if Trump wins, then foreign official buyers of U.S. Treasuries may turn to alternative financial assets such as Bitcoin out of caution, which will push up the price of the asset.

The report wrote: "While Biden administration officials have taken a relatively tough stance on digital assets, Trump said in an interview in March that if elected, he would not crack down on Bitcoin or other digital assets."

The U.S. election is also a big factor affecting the currency circle. I am bullish on spot and will pay attention to all international news and information in real time.

Summary: Bullish in May, BTC will not explode, but the cottage will rise against the trend.

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