Those who are still asking strangers which currency they should buy are usually novices.

What is a novice? A novice is a leek that is easily cut.

And what is a leek? A leek is someone who easily takes over a problematic investment.

My advice is: buy the currency you are confident in.

Newbies always have to pay tuition fees, either to a scam or to the market.

A fan asked, is there a currency that may increase a hundredfold this year? I can say with certainty that of course there is, among millions of currencies, how can there not be a currency that increases a hundredfold?

But the question is, can you buy it? Can you hold it until it increases a hundredfold after buying it? I don't believe that if you don't study a project in depth and just rely on the currency recommended by the Internet or strangers you just met, you can get a hundredfold return. I also don't think that those currencies obtained through gossip and good words can achieve a hundredfold appreciation.

In such a market situation, if you can get a tenfold return, you are very lucky. Instead of dreaming of getting rich every day, it is better to spend more time learning and doing more research.

Some people ask, what to learn and what to research? The answer is simple. Learn the basic knowledge of the currency circle, financial knowledge, etc. What to study? Study business logic and project investment research.

In the eyes of many people, the currency circle is like a DU field. They hold the mentality of getting rich overnight and hope to gamble. Some people have no choice, and some people are desperate. Those who think they are lucky eventually become losers, and those who think they are losers eventually become winners. One of the functions of finance is to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich.

So, before entering the market, please think twice. If you are already involved, then learn in time and improve your ability.

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Like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !