The young man asked the Zen master:

"Master, why do others become rich when they buy coins, but I get trapped when I buy coins, and the price soars after I cut my losses?"

The master remained silent and coughed twice.

The young man exclaimed: "Master, why don't you say anything?"

"Come on," the Zen master showed a QR code and pointed it to the young man, saying, "My small circle is already open. You coin people want to listen to chicken soup for the soul without paying? No way."

The young man: ...


The young man asked the Zen master: "Stocks, funds, P2P, and purchasing agents seem to be quite profitable. Why are they all eclipsed by the coin circle?"

The Zen master took out a plate of sesame seeds, a plate of peanuts, a plate of melon seeds, a plate of walnuts, and a plate of almonds for the young man to taste, and asked him: "Is it delicious?"

The young man nodded.

The Zen master took out marijuana, morphine, heroin, and methamphetamine for the young man to taste, and asked: "Which one is more addictive?"

Young man: ...


The young man asked the Zen master: "Master, how many years of life can you laugh at the cryptocurrency world?"

The Zen master suddenly slapped the young man to the ground and handed him a cold medicine.

After the young man finished the medicine, he suddenly realized: "Master, are you saying that my cultivation of the cryptocurrency world is still very weak? Should I learn the theoretical knowledge of cryptocurrency trading at any time in my life to improve myself?"

The Zen master shook his head and said: "Did you take the wrong medicine?"


The young man asked the Zen master: "I always encounter unscrupulous exchanges when I trade in cryptocurrency. Low orders are cancelled, and high orders are traded before they are encountered. I can't even stand up straight and live a life of loss."

The old Zen master smiled and took out a snake.

The young man suddenly realized: "You want me to be flexible like a snake, right?"

The old Zen master was furious: "Stupid X, I'm telling you, if you encounter such an exchange, throw this thing into their office..."


The young man asked the Zen master: "I held Bitcoin and liquidated it before it was about to soar. Am I really not destined to get rich?"

The Zen master smiled slightly, took the young man to the court where the game was being played, and said to the young man: "Look at it and you will understand."

The young man pondered for a long time, and said thoughtfully: "Master, do you mean that the meaning of currency speculation is like a game, as long as you work hard in the process, the result is not important?"

The master closed his eyes and said: "No! What I mean is, what do you think about your liquidation? "


The young man asked the Zen master: "I am very desperate about life because my futures position was blown up and all my money was lost.”

The Zen master took out an axe and chopped off the table.

The young man said thoughtfully: "Master, do you want me to break the fear in front of me with force?"

The Zen master said: "You have no money and you still want to chat with me! Believe it or not, I will chop you to death!"


The young man asked the Zen master: "Master, what do you think is love for the currency circle? Bitcoin is so expensive, should I buy it? I am very poor, and my monthly life is tight..."

The Zen master sat on the futon and ignored it, and there was no response for a long time.

After thinking quietly, the young man seemed to have an epiphany: "Master, if you are a loser, even if you have the love to buy coins, you should be calm if you can't afford it, but you should hide it in your heart and don't need to show it?"

The Zen master immediately threw the futon under his seat over, staring and scolding: "If you can't afford the coins, don't bother me with your chattering here! Get out!"


The young man asked the Zen master: "How can I get rich by speculating in coins? ”

The Zen master pointed to a mountain opposite.

The young man said thoughtfully: "The Zen master means that there is another master on the opposite mountain who can answer me?"

The Zen master said: "I became a Zen master because I was blown up in the cryptocurrency market. You actually come to ask me? There is still a vacancy on the opposite mountain. You should become a Zen master as soon as possible."


The young man asked the Zen master: "Master, I have become very rich by investing in cryptocurrencies, but I am not happy at all. Can you tell me what to do?"

The Zen master asked: "What is rich?" The young man replied: "There are dozens of Bitcoins, hundreds of Ethereums, thousands of Litecoins, tens of millions of Dogecoins, and countless tokens. There are 8 digits in the bank card and 3 houses in Wudaokou. Isn't it considered rich?"

The Zen master didn't say anything, just stretched out his right hand.

The young man suddenly realized: "The Zen master wants me to understand gratitude and return?"

"No, local tyrants... can we... be friends?"


The young man asked the Zen master: "I have a big dream. I want to buy a lot more coins. So I need a lot of money, Master, can you help me? "

The Zen master took out a child's hat and a pair of child's gloves for the young man to wear, and then asked: "What do you feel?"

"My hands and head are a little tight."

"Me too."