After decades of struggling in the financial market, I have some experience to share with you. If you can truly understand and practice, losses will gradually go away from you.

The current market situation is that although some sectors and individual currencies rise every day, the overall market liquidity is insufficient and the activity is low.

I still choose to wait and see with empty positions and do not do anything. Many people look at the market and often only pay attention to superficial phenomena such as the list of gains and the inflow and outflow of funds, and trade based on this. However, this superficial phenomenon cannot be used as a reliable basis for long-term profit.

It is precisely because everyone pays too much attention to these superficial phenomena that it is easy to be swayed by market sentiment, blindly chasing ups and downs, and ultimately leading to losses. We should establish correct investment concepts, build our own trading system, and constantly sum up experience and lessons.

There are only three possible results in the market: profit, loss and capital preservation. However, most investors can only hover between profit and loss, and rarely reach the state of capital preservation.

But if we can also include capital preservation in our investment strategy, the probability of loss will be greatly reduced. When the market has the conditions for profit, we act decisively, withdraw quickly after making a profit, and do not covet the battlefield. In this way, we can avoid the risks of long-term battles and surpass those who have never been involved in the market.

Before the crazy market comes, such as when Bitcoin breaks through its previous high again and various altcoins usher in a surge, I will teach you how to lock in profits and control risks. Remember, don't blindly follow the trend, have your own judgment and strategy. Only in this way can we be invincible in the financial market.

In the bull market, you need a high-quality circle. If you don't know how to operate and are still confused, everyone is welcome to join! Please like, follow, forward, and leave a message!

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