A true story of a friend

He is a wage earner who only earns a few thousand yuan a month. He doesn’t know what to do. He just goes to work and comes home every day. He is confused about the future. Later, he came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle.

At first, like many people, he was fooled by the hype of altcoins.

I remember that year's 519 crash, he lost a full 3,000 yuan, leaving him at a loss. He had no idea what to do next.

Later, he tried to participate in the public offering of the coinlist account, but the seller ran away and lost 2,000 yuan. In the past six months, not only did I not make any money, but I suffered losses. He began to doubt the correctness of this path and even delayed his studies.

Until one day, he participated in an airdrop on the decentralized contract platform dydx and received hundreds of thousands of tokens, which surprised him. So he decided to move in the direction of airdrops. Although he did not have enough capital at the beginning, he was not discouraged. He began to participate in various low-cost airdrop projects, such as matcha, slingshot, clipper, superfluid, etc. Although some projects have not been airdropped yet, he did not give up.

Later, he received 2,496 OP tokens from Ethereum's second-layer protocol Optimism, and sold them for 20,000 RMB, which cost only 50 USD. This made him feel a little bit of sweetness for airdrops, so he continued to work hard in this direction. During the summer vacation, I participated in the interaction of projects such as zksync, zigzag, argent, rabbit, and safe while learning to drive, and worked hard to accumulate experience.

As time went on, he continued to participate in various airdrop projects, including the airdrop of the Facebook team's layer 1 project aptos based on the move language, and the airdrop of Ethereum's layer 2 solution arbitrum. He also interacted with a hundred accounts on the test network of sui network. All these efforts finally paid off at some point in 23 years, and I made less than 20,000 yuan.

However, the real reward came later. When the exchange Zigzag on ZkSync 1.0 announced an airdrop, he got the airdropped ZZ tokens and made 40,000 yuan after selling them. Then, after Arbitrum announced an airdrop, he made another 160,000 yuan. He kept learning and participating, accumulating wealth bit by bit.

In the following period, he continued to consolidate layerzero, starknet, and opened a new account to participate in the zksync airdrop. His time and money costs were huge, but he always persisted. Until a few months ago, the starknet foundation announced that it had taken a snapshot, and on Valentine's Day, they announced the airdrop results. Although he lost the qualification of 150 accounts due to insufficient account balance, the remaining 50 accounts received 45,000 strk tokens.

It is now April 2024. He has been in the cryptocurrency world for three years. He started with 5,000 yuan and experienced countless setbacks and efforts before finally earning his first million yuan. This is not only the accumulation of wealth, but also the result of his unremitting exploration and struggle over the past three years.