In this bull market, many projects will attract communities and users through token airdrops or points programs, thereby achieving rapid data growth on their books. However, most projects often have difficulty retaining users after the airdrop campaign ends.

Cryptocurrency researcher hitesh.eth counted the difference in the number of active users between the first day of currency issuance and the current number of 9 projects. The results showed that 6 projects experienced a sharp drop in the number of users after the currency was issued. Among them, Starknet and Sei networks have the highest user churn rates, with more than 80% of users lost. This means that in the current market environment, only a few projects truly have product market fit (PMF).

However, although most projects are unable to retain users, there are still some networks or applications that can maintain or even increase the number of users after issuing coins, achieving real success. For example, the Ethereum L2 network Arbitrum has the highest retention rate. The number of users has increased by 129.8% since the currency was issued. Another L2 network Optimism also achieved a growth of 54.2%.

In addition, Jupiter, the DEX protocol of the Solana ecosystem, also performed well. hitesh.eth commented on X:

“Jupiter is a great example [of product-market fit] because their airdrop was recent, they had a public sale, allocated 0% of the supply to VCs, and do 2/3 weekly community calls, and built a great product.”

This article: Token airdrops attract people but fail to retain them! The number of users in most projects plummeted after issuing coins. First appeared in Zombit.