Odaily Planet Daily News Bancolombia Group, one of the largest banking groups in Colombia, launched the cryptocurrency exchange Wenia. The exchange aims to grab market share from cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Bitso in Latin America and Colombia by providing new users in the field with the high level of security associated with Bancolombia. According to Juan Carlos Mora, president of Bancolombia, the relevant solution involves simplifying the adoption of digital assets and blockchain-based products in Colombia. The platform estimates that given Colombia's potential as the third most adopted country in Latin America for cryptocurrency, the platform will reach 60,000 users within a year of its launch. Pablo Arboleda, CEO of Wenia, stressed the importance of providing a friendly platform for new crypto customers. "Our purpose is to help people connect with cryptocurrency in a more convenient, inclusive and efficient way," he stressed. At the same time, Wenia also launched COPW, a stablecoin anchored to the Colombian peso. (Bitcoin.com)